The Deeply Embodied Feminine

The feminine is inherently designed to operate a certain way, and when she is embodied, she is in her authentic state and in her core power state.

 Whenever the feminine is burnt out, disconnected to herself, caught up in fulfilling roles and duties, overextending, husting to make her way professionally or living in any way that requires her to show up in ways that do not feel fully her, authentic or supported, there is a cost, and that cost is primarily to her inner feminine nature.

 Unfortunately, life has a way of depleting the feminine essence or conditioning her to operate in ways that are not conducive for her feminine core to be her inner source of power and nourishment. Part of feminine restoration is reclaiming her essence, her core feminine state of being so she is able to heal all that blocks the complete embodiment of her inner essence. From this point, feminine embodiment becomes a natural state that begins to bud and bloom within her, and through embodiment work we can accelerate this process, bringing her into homeostasis so she can live in a more balanced, correct and deeply embodied state.

For the woman who desires deep

feminine restoration and embodiment

of their feminine essence.


    In this first workshop we will learn how to connect to our feminine core and understand how the feminine is designed, designed to operate and what she truly needs. These needs will encompass the needs she is to meet herself and the needs others who love and support her can provide. As we traverse this beautiful inner journey together, we will help you not only tap into your inner core, but uncover any aspects that have been suppressed, distorted, or shadow hidden so that we can begin a journey into our full-spectrum, multi-faceted feminine self.

    September 7, 2024 | Honolulu, HI


    As the feminine begins to embody her natural essence, her life force and vitality, she will inevitably hit blocks that prevent full embodiment. In part two of our feminine restoration series, we will find the blocks, identify them and the drivers of them, and then find the pathway through them so that they will no longer inhibit a fully embodied state.   

    This inner journey brings the feminine through an inner reflection and out comes the pathway to healing, and this is the gift inherent in the embodiment process. The feminine’s job before everything else is to heal herself so that she can reclaim all parts of herself and step fully into her power.

    October 20, 2024 | Honolulu, HI


    We will guide you on an embodiment journey within, teaching you how to come into an embodied state and how to live from that embodied state ongoing. This is where the magic happens. This is where the power is found. This is the feminine reclaimed.

    November 2024 | Honolulu, HI


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